Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I already knew I was pregnant before I left my boyfriend. I know what you're thinking..It's okay.

people think of a single mom as some sort of super hero. were not super hero. i survive on the theory mom taught me.

I knew how to change a diaper, feed him.I had plenty of girl cousins who already had children so I was experienced. But I didn't know anything about the emotion-roller coaster I was about to embark on.

I don't know how's it to be happy, healthy and surviving. But I do know what it's like to be completely alone, and crowded at the same time. what it's like to feel like your running a never ending race, and with or without a signifcant other my child will grow up to be a respectable, and loving human being.

I have tried to build up walls now. I do not ever want to fall for someone, only to find out that the "can't deal" with my daughter.I'll be honest, sometimes it does not go well at all!



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