Monday, May 10, 2010


Before the birth my midwife had told me to prepare myself for a long labor as mama was in labor for 36 hours. I didn't believe her at the time. I had an appointment with the midwife Thursday evening as I was by this stage a few days overdue, I was so disappointed to be told that nothing was happening - no dilation at all! i went home.

saturday evening i couldn't sleep... i texted ghian she told me not to stressed myself, it may cause alteration she told me to relax and don't think to0 much about the baby...

after lunch of sunday afternoon was awaken by a massive contraction...The contractions continued, starting at about 15 minutes apart..and the contractions for four hours and they were less than three minutes apart and at least a minute in duration. They were very painful.

4pm i feel like i'm having a fever the contractions still there.. mama and i went to the clinic and the OB told me to take a bath and be back at-least after dinner... i didn't take my dinner cause i was really into pain... the gaps of the contractions are getting short and the contractions is getting longer and painful... i told mama to went back by 7pm...

>>>> I labor only for 13 hours luckily i am.. as my midwife told me cause mostly first time pregnancy took 15 and up hours on labour...

>>>> the labor is really painful i felt like it has no end. its true what mama told me " msakit ang laboy nak mas masakit pa yan sa dismenoria mu... mtatawag mu lahat ng santo sa sakit" hehehhe very true.. mama told me to pray... i prayed all the the prayers i know... i called jesus and and all the saints even santa claus!!! haha!


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